Dutch Profiles: Michael van Gessel Landscape Architect / Kiến trúc sư cảnh quan Michael van Gessel
Articulating the strength of existing features and removing all the clutter, to create a clear, serene and spacious landscape. This is the way Michael van Gessel has been working for over 30 years, designing and renovating parks, historic sites and urban master plans. With his strong sense for historic qualities, Van Gessel transforms the landscape in a way that makes it seem like nothing has changed. Among numerous other projects, Van Gessel has spent the past ten years working on Twickel, a centuries old park in the east of The Netherlands. Almost exactly every one hundred years, the layout of the park is altered. From Renaissance to Baroque, followed by Rococo and Romantic landscape styles. Notwithstanding the fact that he is, and has long been, a major influence on the development of landscape architecture, Van Gessel remains a curious and modest man, with a very down-to-earth approach to his practice. http://www.michaelvangessel.com